The Ultimate Guide to Business Text Messaging

Effective communication with your customers is essential for any business. You need to connect with them on their preferred channel, at their convenient time, and in their comfortable way. You have tried most of the options: phone, email, physical mail and found them ineffective. That’s why you have come here seeking solutions and fortunately for you, we have the answer to your communication challenges.

December 5, 2024
The Ultimate Guide to Business Text MessagingThe Ultimate Guide to Business Text Messaging
Ready to start texting?
Book a 30-minute demo with us to learn how our text messaging service can benefit your business.
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Why Is It so Difficult to Reach Customers?

Let’s dive right in. What makes it so difficult to reach your customers? There is no single answer to this question, but we’ll try to explain the more common reasons as to why it is very difficult to reach your customers.

In the past, when you had called someone on the phone, they had answered; and when you had emailed them, you had received a reply, but not any more. As time passed, more and more marketers started calling and emailing random consumers, hoping to sell them something they never knew they needed. Now, it has become the norm. It’s not only marketing calls and emails anymore. There are more and more scammers calling and emailing you, pretending to be salespeople and trying to take your money. Due to the repetitions, consumers have now become accustomed to simply not answering phone calls from phone numbers they don’t recognize and trained to gloss over emails that they aren’t expecting.

The scientific reason for it is known as habituation, or simply getting used to repeated things. Habituation is when repeated exposure to a stimulus makes one less responsive. This is the simplest kind of implicit learning, which is a form of non-associative learning. If you keep getting unwanted phone calls every day, you get desensitized and start to ignore phone calls. Due to many reasons including habituation, 8 in 10 Americans say they don’t usually answer their cellphone when an unknown number calls.

Ok, so you are a legitimate business and you have already established a relationship with your customers. But when you call them from your business number, they don’t pick up. Why is that? And what can you do about it? There are many possible reasons why customers are difficult to reach, depending on the type of business, the product or service, and the customer’s preferences and needs. Some of the common reasons are:

  • They are busy. Everyone has a lot on their plate, especially during work hours. You can try calling your customers, hoping that they will pick up, but it usually goes to voicemail. Don’t take it personally though. The chances are, the person you’re calling is just too occupied to answer your call. Remember, a phone call is a synchronous communication that requires both parties to be available and attentive at the same time. It may be planned or spontaneous, but it involves constant listening and responding from both sides. They may prefer to communicate at their own convenience, rather than being interrupted by a salesperson or a service provider. They may also have different time zones or schedules that make it hard to find a suitable time for a conversation.
  • They are not interested. Customers may have already made a decision about the product or service, or they may have found a better alternative elsewhere. They may not want to hear more information or offers from the business, or they may feel annoyed by repeated attempts to contact them. They may also have a negative impression of the business or the product, based on previous experiences or reviews.
  • They are dissatisfied. Customers may have encountered some problems or issues with the product or service, and they may feel frustrated or angry. They may not trust the business to resolve their complaints, or they may feel that the customer service is poor or unresponsive. They may also have unrealistic expectations or demands that the business cannot meet.

These are some of the possible reasons why customers are difficult to reach, but there may be others as well. Each customer is unique, and each situation is different. Therefore, it is important for businesses to understand their customers’ needs and preferences, and to tailor their communication strategies accordingly.

What are some other ways to reach customers?

Reaching customers is a crucial aspect of any business, as it helps to build relationships, increase sales, and improve loyalty. There are many ways to reach customers, but some of the most effective ones are:

  • Sending them a message. Businesses should not limit themselves to one or a few methods of communication, but explore various options, such as business text messaging, social media, email, etc. Different channels can appeal to different customers and suit different purposes. For example, business text messaging can be used for quick and convenient updates, while social media can be used for engaging and interactive content. Businesses should also use different formats, such as images, infographics, etc., to capture their customers’ attention and interest.
  • Personalizing your message. Businesses should not treat their customers as a homogeneous group, but as individuals with unique needs and preferences. Businesses should use customer data and insights to personalize their communication with each customer. They should use their customers’ names, preferences, history, behavior, etc., to create relevant and customized messages and offers. They should also use segmentation and targeting to deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time. Personalization can help to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.
  • Using value proposition. Businesses should not assume that their customers know the value and benefits of their product or service, but communicate them clearly and convincingly. Businesses should use facts, statistics, testimonials, etc., to support their claims and illustrate their points. They should also use emotional appeals, such as stories, humor, etc., to connect with their customers and persuade them. Value proposition can help to differentiate the business from competitors and increase customer trust and confidence.
  • Using feedback. Businesses should not ignore or neglect their customers’ feedback, but ask for and listen to it regularly and sincerely. Businesses should use surveys, reviews, ratings, etc., to collect and analyze their customers’ opinions and satisfaction levels. They should also use complaints, suggestions, questions, etc., to identify and address their customers’ problems and needs. They should also thank their customers for their feedback and show them how they have acted upon it. Feedback can help to improve the quality of the product or service, enhance customer loyalty and advocacy, and generate new ideas and opportunities.

These are some of the ways to improve communication with customers and make them easier to reach. However, businesses should also respect their customers’ privacy and preferences, and avoid spamming or harassing them with unwanted or excessive communication. Businesses should also be honest and transparent with their customers, and deliver on their promises and expectations. So, is there an even better, sure-fire way of reaching your customers?

Reply Y to confirm your appointment tomorrow

What Is the Best Way to Reach Customers?

The best way to reach customers is via SMS text messaging. However, most businesses avoid texting mainly due to privacy concerns. What if you could just send and receive text messages using your business phone number instead?

If you sent them a text message from a phone number they know, such as your main number, chances are you would get a reply within 3 minutes. Text messaging is an asynchronous communication method that allows either party to send and receive messages without having to provide immediate real-time response or a live connection. Therefore, with the development and use of technology, people prefer to exchange quick text messages on their own time rather than answering a potentially lengthy phone call during their busy day.

For example, studies have shown that Text Messaging has the highest open rate of 98%, compared to 20% for emails. Text messages are also read on average within 3 minutes of getting them. This means your messages have a higher chance of being noticed and responded to.

A problem is that not many business owners are aware that they can send and receive text messages using their business number, because text messaging isn’t a feature that their business phone service provider offers. They may have heard of the possibilities; but they may find it complicated and wouldn’t know where to start. This is where a business text messaging service can help. Texty Pro is a business text messaging platform that services U.S. and Canadian businesses to text-enable their landline or VoIP number.

How to Text Your Customers Using Your Business Landline Number

We had mentioned that your customers would respond to a text message in 3 minutes if it was from a phone number that they recognized. But your customers don’t recognize your mobile phone number, and they may not reply to your text message. So, how can you send a text message from a phone number that they’ll recognize? Easy. Just use your current business phone number that you already own to send and receive SMS text messages through a business text messaging service.

Many businesses have a landline or a VoIP phone number as their main contact number. But what many businesses don’t know is that they can use that same main number to send and receive SMS text messages with their customers. Yes, it’s true. You can enable texting on your landline or VoIP number and communicate with your customers using the same number and it’s not as strange as it sounds. You’re not going to be awkwardly recording your voice or anything. You’ll be using a website or a mobile app to exchange text messages instead.

To make this happen, you’ll need a business text messaging service, also known as a business SMS text messaging service, that lets you send and receive texts from your landline or VoIP phone number through a website or a mobile app. There is no need for porting, expensive hardware, changing of phone service provider or anything. All you need is a device with an internet connection, including the device you’re reading this article on, and it does not interfere with your voice service. You can text and be on the phone at the same time. Landline texting allows you to send texts to customers and business associates when you need to, instead of making phone calls that will go unanswered.

Text Messaging Benefits for Your Business:

  • Convenience: Business text messaging is convenient because it allows customers and businesses to communicate quickly, easily, and personally on a channel that people use every day.
  • Accessibility: Most consumers today like texting better than calling, and this can help you expand your audience.
  • Customer satisfaction: You can provide faster and more personalized service to your customers, and increase their loyalty and retention.

Learn how to enable landline texting with Texty Pro, how to use landline texting for different purposes, and how Texty Pro can make landline texting more efficient and engaging for your business.

How can I enable landline texting on my existing number?

Since the idea of text-enabling a business number may be new to you, we’ll do our best to simplify it. First of all, texting using a business number isn’t new. The technology has been around for a while now. If you open your text messaging app on your mobile phone and scroll through your recent messages, you’ll see some text messages from businesses that sent you coupons, promotions, reminders, and verification codes from toll-free numbers or short codes.

However, text messaging using a business phone number has been inaccessible for most businesses except for large corporations as it was costly and complex to use. This is no longer the case today thanks to Texty Pro, a text messaging service for businesses and organizations of any size and designed to be easy to use and affordable. With Texty Pro, you can set up and start texting with your business number in less than a minute.

3 Simple Steps to Enable Text Messaging on Your Business Phone Number

Here are 3 simple steps to enable text messaging on your landline or VoIP number with Texty Pro, free for 14 days. Before you begin, you need to select a subscription plan that suits your business needs. We have low-cost and flexible plans for businesses of any size and industry and the auto-recurring subscriptions can be paid monthly or you can save a considerable amount by paying yearly.

Texty Pro supports 10-digit traditional landline and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone numbers from the United States, Canada and some Caribbean countries under the North American Numbering Plan with country calling code 1. This means you can use Texty Pro to text-enable your existing business number if it belongs to any of these countries and regions. You don’t need to change your phone service provider or get a new number to use Texty Pro. You can keep your current number and start texting with your customers right away.

Follow the 3 simple steps below to start texting with your customers:

1. Create Your Free Account

Register your free account by entering your work email address and a secure password that you'll be using to access the text messaging account. Be sure to use an email address that you have access to and double check the spelling as you'll be needing it to receive crucial information from Texty Pro and it will also be used for important things such as when you have to reset your password.

NOTE: Signing up through a VPN server or using a temporary email address is prohibited. The 14-day free trial is only for business phone numbers. If you want to get OTP verification code on your landline number, you need to be a paid subscriber. This feature is not available during the free trial.

register your Texty Pro account - Texty Pro

2. Save Your Payment Information on File

Add your payment details for verification purposes. You won’t be billed during the free trial period, and you can cancel your subscription before the 14-day free trial period ends to prevent being charged if the service doesn’t suit you.

Enter your payment details - Texty Pro

3. Verify Your Landline Number to Start Your 14-day Free Trial

The 3rd and final step is to verify your business phone number with Texty Pro. Make sure that you can access the phone that is linked to your phone number that you are text-enabling. We will send you a verification code by voice call to your landline/VoIP phone number to verify that you own the number. If your business number has an IVR (Interactive voice response) system, i.e. Thank you for calling us. Press 1 to speak to sales, press 2 to etc., don’t forget to add the extension number that you can access.

3a. Enter the Business Phone Number to Text-enable
Enter the business phone number to text-enable

3b. Verify the Ownership of the Phone Number by Receiving a Phone Call
Verify the ownership of the phone number by receiving a phone call

Start Texting with Your Business Number

Test it out by sending a text message to your own mobile number or to your co-workers from the Texty Pro website. If you or your co-workers can receive the text messages sent from your landline number, reply to the message and see if you can receive the texts you sent from your mobile number. If you can send and receive both inbound and outbound text messages, it means that you are ready to go!

Before you start texting with your customers, here are some tips and best practices to set you up for success:

  • Off-hours auto reply: Set up your business hours in the settings page and enable the off-hours auto reply option. This way, when someone sends a text message to your business during off-hours, Texty Pro will respond back to the customer on your behalf. You can customize the text message with dynamic variables such as the sender’s first name (if the sender’s phone number is in your address book) to personalize the text message. For example, you can say “Hey John. Thank you for texting us during off-hours. We’ll get back to you first thing tomorrow! Good night!”
  • First-time or Recurring Greeting Auto Reply: Set up first-time auto reply to automatically greet a customer texting your business number for the first time and set up recurring greeting auto reply to greet existing customers that have already texted your number before. Like off-hours auto reply, you can use dynamic variables to personalize these messages.
  • Personal Signature: You know how you have a signature line on emails? This is the same, but for the text messages. You can set it up to automatically attach to all of your text messages or just once per each conversation a day. If you are texting from your landline number with other team members, they can also have their own personal signatures.
  • Import Contacts: Got a long list of contacts? You don’t have to manually add every single one of them into Texty Pro’s address book. Just go to the address book tab, click on the menu (icon with 3 dots) and click on Import Contacts to download our CSV template. Open the CSV template from Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any spreadsheet software you have access to and copy over all of your contacts in the correct column. Once finished, upload the CSV file to Texty Pro and you’re done.
  • Let customers know that you’re now text-enabled: First, on your website contact us page, put “Text or Call Us” in front of your phone number. You can also use our guide to automatically open their text messaging app when they click a button or even your phone number. Second, if you’re on social media, let your followers know that they can now text you. Lastly, after each phone call, let your customer know that they can also text you on the same number going forward. Do these steps and enjoy the sound of silence as the number of phone calls will be reduced.

When you have some free time, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn about features like how to pin an important text message, how to leave a private note for you and your team members inside a text message thread, scheduling a text message or even creating text message templates so that you can respond to incoming text messages without even having to type a single word and more.

How to Use Landline Texting for Business

Landline texting can be used for various business scenarios, such as:

  • Appointment reminders: You can send text messages to remind your customers of their upcoming appointments, confirm their attendance, or reschedule if needed.
  • Order confirmations: You can send text messages to confirm your customers’ orders, provide tracking information, or notify them of any changes or delays.
  • Feedback requests: You can send text messages to ask your customers for their feedback, ratings, reviews, or referrals after they have used your service or product.
  • Promotions: You can send text messages to inform your customers of your latest offers, deals, coupons, or events, and encourage them to take action.

Texty Pro has some features and advantages that make landline texting more efficient and engaging for these purposes, such as:

  • Multimedia messaging: You can send and receive images, videos, audio files, documents, and emojis to enhance your communication and express yourself better.
  • Custom signatures: You can add a custom signature to your text messages to personalize them and promote your brand identity.

Get started with business text messaging by booking a 30 minute live demo with one of Texty Pro's team members to see how text messaging can help your business communicate more efficiently.

How to Text From a Landline Number in 2025

Can landlines text? If you’re wondering whether landlines can send and receive text messages, the answer is yes! Using a landline number and a computer, you can text-enable your phone number and text from a computer. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that already have local landline numbers.

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Why Business Texting Is Better Than Phone Calls and Emails

See the benefits of adding text messaging to your business phone number to send and receive text from a computer. Compared to phone calls and emails, business SMS is a fast and convenient way to interact with your customers whenever and wherever.

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Want to learn more about how you'll benefit with business text messaging?

Schedule a 30 minute live demo to meet with one of our team members to discuss how our business text messaging service can benefit your business or organization.

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