What Are Text Message Abbreviations?
Gone are the days when you would send and SMS text message with a subject line. Nowadays, everyone is abbreviating commonly used words in text messages whether it’s for business or personal use. Some of the most popular abbreviations such as “LOL” or “IDK” are widely used by people of all ages but you may not be familiar with all the common abbreviations for business use.
Can I Use Text Message Abbreviations for Business?
Yes, you can absolutely use text message abbreviations for business. In fact, you may already be using some of the more popular abbreviations such as “ASAP” and “OOO”.
Here’s a list of 100 text message abbreviations that you’ll likely come across to improve your business communication through SMS text messages.
Business Common Text Message Abbreviations
Are you texting with business contacts? If so, you want to be cautious about using inappropriate text message abbreviations. Instead of texting "OMFG", you'll want to use acryonyms that aren't too personal or even offensive such as "OMG". Keep it professional while being mindful of who you're texting and the situation and try not to abbreviate words that convey gratitude such as TY (Thank You). Below, you'll find a list of 50 text message abbreviations fit for business texting use.

AKA: Also known as
ARR: Annual recurring revenue
ASAP: As soon as possible
ATM: At the moment
B2B: Business to business
B2C: Business to consumer
CMS: Content management system
CTA: Call to action
CTR: Click-through rate
DIY: Do it yourself
DND: Do not disturb
EOD: End of day
EOW: End of week
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
FAQ: Frequently asked question
FYI: For your information
IAM: In a meeting
IIRC: If I recall correctly
IMHO: In my honest opinion
IMO: In my opinion
JIC: Just in case
JSYK: Just so you know
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
LMGTFY: Let me Google that for you
LMK: Let me know
MMS: Multimedia messaging service
MRR: Monthly recurring revenue
MSG: Message
N/A: Not applicable or not available
NP: No problem
NRN: No reply necessary
OFC: Of course
OOO: Out of office
OTP: On the phone
POV: Point of view
RCS: Rich communication services
RFD: Request for discussion
ROI: Return on investment
SME: Subject matter expert
SMS: Short message service
TBA: To be announced
TBC: To be continued
TBD: To be decided
TIA: Thanks in advance
TYT: Take your time
UFN: Until further notice
UGC: User-generated content
VM: Voicemail
W/O: Without
WIP: Work in progress
Common Text Message Abbreviations
If you're texting with family and friends, you may have already seen or sent text messages using abbreviations. Below are 55 of the most commonly used text message abbreviations for casual use. Please keep in mind that some of these commonly used abbreviations may not be suitable for business use.

2EZ: Too easy
?4U: I have a question for you
AFAIK: As far as I know
ALOL: Actually laughing out loud
ATB: All the best
AYS: Are you serious?
BAU: Business as usual
BF: Boyfriend
BFF: Best friends forever
BRB: Be right back
BTW: By the way
CWOT: Complete waste of time
DIY: Do it yourself
F2F: Face to face
FOMO: Fear of missing out
FTW: For the win
FWIW: For what it’s worth
GF: Girlfriend
GL: Good luck
GOAT: Greatest of all time
HMU: Hit me up
ICYMI: In case you missed it
IDC: I don’t care
IDK: I don’t know
ILY: I love you
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IRL: In real life
JK: Just kidding
LMK: Let me know
LOL: Laugh out loud
NBD: No big deal
NSFW: Not safe for work
NVM: Nevermind
OMFG: Oh my f****** God
OMG: Oh my god/goodness
OMW: On my way
OOTD: Outfit of the day
QOTD: Quote of the day
RN: Right now
ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing
SMH: Shaking my head
STFU: Shut the f*** up
TBF: To be frank
TBH: To be honest
TFW: that feel/feeling when
TGIF: Thank goodness it’s Friday
TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
TMI: Too much information
TMRW: Tomorrow
TTYL: Talk to you later
THX/TY/TYSM: Thanks, Thank you, Thank you so much
WDYM: What do you mean?
WDYT: What do you think?
YW: You’re welcome
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Texty Pro - Business Texting Service offers easy to use conversational two-way SMS & MMS texting messaging for businesses and organizations across all industries. Do you already have a business phone number? Great! With Texty Pro, you can text using that same office number that you've been using.