Mass Text Messaging or Bulk Text Messaging for Business
Mass text messaging, also known as bulk text messaging, allows users to send out one message to many people at once. It is as simple as adding multiple numbers to the same message. With a text message service, you send the outgoing message to each number. It does not create one group message; it creates a conversation for each recipient. Each recipient’s response will be a one-to-one conversation between them and your business. The message is a personal conversation, allowing your business to handle each customer with follow-up customer service privately.
Mass text messaging is a great way for businesses to contact many of their customers. You can easily create a message to let customers know about sales and announcements. With texting’s open and read rates being 4 times higher than those of emails, texting is a better method of reaching your audience, especially for businesses. Business landline texting allows direct replies; your customers can easily respond by sending a text back to your landline phone number.
With a text messaging service, your existing landline phone number becomes another method of communication. Your phone calls and text messages are all under one number. Texty Pro offers two-way messaging, recipients can reply to your messages easily. You can text directly from staff to a customer, allowing you to engage in conversational text messages rather than automated and keyword-driven messages. If you already have business texting, read on to see how best to use texting as a business marketing tool.
Text Message Marketing
Use text messaging to promote your business. Text messaging is widely used and even the preferred form of communication by many users. Increasingly more generations are accustomed to text messaging for quick communication for personal and business use. Reach your interested customers with short messages. The best text messages are short and to the point, recipients expect and want text messages to remain easy to respond to and read. Use business landline texting in addition to or in place of email marketing; texting provides much higher read and response rates than emails. Nearly half of text messaging campaigns saw a positive ROI. Adding email and social media made over 50% successful.
Even with more businesses using text messaging, with short code, users cannot directly reply to reach the business for further questions. Customers must find their phone number or another contact method to get customer service. With business landline texting, customers can reply to any message to reach your business for individual customer support. 85% of people who received business text messages say they would like to reply to the message.
Advertise Sales by Text
Provide customers with sales information by text. Entice all your customers with messages presenting compelling offers. Let customers know about upcoming sales, deals, and offers to drive interest and traffic. Sending a short message with your newest offer allows customers to read a text message quickly rather than ignoring another email in their inbox. Text messages can include links or pictures to catch the recipient’s attention and interest. With mass text messaging, you can send all these messages from your text-enabled landline phone number.
Request Surveys and Feedback
Reach recent customers for feedback or request reviews. Provide links to surveys or review sites to promote customers to leave helpful reviews and tips for your business. Bulk text messaging can help send out your message to many customers with just a few clicks. Write your message once knowing that customers will see your text. Using your business’ landline phone number to identify you as a local business rather than a spam number. View more about how to gather more reviews for your business with business texting.
Text Blast Announcements
Announce your newest products or services with mass text messaging for your business. Notify all your eager customers about items back in stock or back on the menu. Highlight your hottest items or services depending on the season to drive customer engagement. Short text messages allow recipients to quickly view these messages and follow up if interested. Provide a link to your website if applicable for easy access; keep interested customers looking at your products and marketing. With bulk messaging for business, one message can reach many customers. Look at why business text messaging is even better than phone and email.
Mass text messaging allows you to send reminders to all participants for upcoming events, appointments, and due dates. Quickly and easily, manage a reminder to send to multiple recipients. While people may ignore emails and calls from unknown numbers, 90% of users read text messages within minutes of receiving. This can help reduce customers missing and forgetting appointments or dates. Customers can also reply directly to your reminder text with questions or cancellation requests; all following conversations stay between your business and the individual.
Business Updates
Keep clients informed on important business updates with text messages. Reach all or some of your customer base when needed with one text message. For important changes that affect customers, bulk text messaging can be an effective way to reach many of your customers. Introduce new features to existing customers. Let them know they can directly reply with questions and comments to your message as well.
Create Appropriate Text Messages
Make sure your SMS marketing messages are useful and welcomed by customers. Recipients are willing to receive business text messages they view as worthwhile and nonintrusive. Ensure you are not creating spam messages that do not interest recipients and customers. Always remember to be professional, even when using more casual platforms like text messaging in your business. Keep your marketing text messages interesting and allow users to opt out of receiving them at any time. Check out ten rules for texting with customers, which covers the general and specific rules business text messaging requires.
Learn how to use your texting abilities to their maximum benefits with Texty Pro. If you are ready to send bulk messages to your customers, you can use our text messaging service with your business landline number for 2 weeks free. With Texty Pro, mass text messaging is as simple as choosing your contacts and writing a message. We will send the text message to your customers from your business landline phone number. Customers can easily reply to your message to send you a text message on your computer or smartphone. Create an account on our website to use in your browser and on your smartphone with our iOS and Android apps.

To text from a business landline number today, add Texty Pro’s text messaging service free for 14-days. All you need is your local landline number and a computer or smartphone to enable texting. Business landline texting allows you to send bulk text messages from a computer. Visit our homepage and download our app for iOS and Android. For more details or outstanding questions, please visit our frequently asked questions and support page.