Handle further communication through a phone call or email to cover matters that are more complex. Along with direct questions from customers, here are some messages you can actively send out to customers. See how text messaging can benefit your home service company, auto shop, salon or spa, healthcare business or other business by visiting our dedicated industry pages. Continue reading to see which messages are the best to send to customers.
Important text messages to send customers
Send customers payment reminders by text
Remind customers of upcoming and late payment dates by text to ensure customers complete their payments. A text at the right time can help make sure customers are not missing important dates.
Text upcoming appointment reminders
Sending a quick message to remind customers before their upcoming appointment can help reduce late and no-show. With a text message, customers can reply to contact your business directly, making it easier to reschedule or cancel appointments in time.
Remind customers to make appointments
Send text messages to customers when they are due for a new appointment. For recurring appointments, sending a reminder by text message is a convenient way to reach customers to have them quickly respond.
Provide customers with important updates
Draw returning customers with interesting and important updates about your business. Make sure you are giving information relevant to your customers. Only send messages to interested customers. For more information about the rules for business texting, visit Ten Rules for Texting with Customers.

Create a Texty Pro account for a 14-day trial of landline texting. Sign up at texty.pro to text enable your landline number today.