How to switch your business phone number from your current SMS text messaging service to Texty Pro in a few easy steps.
Hold tight, business owners! Want to switch your trusty business number from another SMS provider to Texty Pro for some pro-level texting superpowers? No sweat. We'll guide you through the release process like a smooth operator, step-by-step.
If you already have business text messaging, we don't have to convince you on how great it can be to text with customers using your existing business phone number. Let's jump right in!
The setup process will show as completed but text messaging will not work through Texty Pro just yet.
Since phone numbers can only be text enabled with one service at a time, you’ll need to fill out our SLoA/LoA (Letter of Authorization) form to authorize us to provision your phone number for text messaging through our service. This will transfer the ability to send and receive text messages from your current provider to Texty Pro.
After you’ve signed up, just let us know that you already have text messaging enabled with another SMS service but would like to use Texty Pro instead. We’ll send you the link to this form so you can fill it out and return it to us.
It may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to move your text messaging service to Texty Pro. You can still text with your old SMS service while the switch is in progress. Once the switch is complete, your old SMS service will stop working. From then on, you will use Texty Pro for all your texts.
Depending on the circumstance, you may need to cancel your old SMS service. Otherwise, your old provider may reclaim your phone number and use it for their own messaging service, since they still consider you as their customer. This step may not be necessary for everyone, depending on your situation and your current SMS or phone plan. We'll contact you if this is needed.
Schedule a 30 minute live demo to meet with one of our team members to discuss how our business text messaging service can benefit your business or organization.