Want to highlight an important text message? You can do so by pinning a text message. Click on a text message conversation you want to block, click More > Pin Message.
Why you should pin a text message
Pinning a specific text message can provide several benefits, including:
Quick access: Pinning a specific text message allows you to access important messages quickly without scrolling through a long conversation history. This is especially useful when you need to refer to a specific message frequently.
Organization: Pinning important messages can help you stay organized by highlighting key information or conversations. It can also help you keep track of important tasks or follow-ups that you need to complete.
Prioritization: By pinning important messages, you can prioritize your attention and focus on the most critical information. This can help you be more productive and efficient in managing your communication.
Reminder: Pinning messages can serve as a reminder for you to follow up on important tasks or conversations. It can help ensure that you don't forget critical information or tasks that need to be completed.
Overall, pinning specific text messages can help you stay organized, prioritize important information, and be more efficient in managing your communication.
How to Pin a Text Message Conversation in Texty Pro
To pin an important text message, visit https://chat.texty.pro to login to Texty Pro. Continue reading below to learn how to pin a text message to highlight it.
1. Inside a text message conversation, use your mouse to hover over the message you want to pin.
2. In the dropdown, click on Pin Message.
Your message is now pinned.
You can pin upto 10 messages per each text message conversation.
To unpin a message, click on the Unpin label below the text message.
Want to mark a text message as unread?
You can mark a text message as unread by logging in to the Texty Pro web app so you can get back to it when you are able to. Learn how to mark a text message as unread.
Want to learn more about how you'll benefit with business text messaging?
Schedule a 30 minute live demo to meet with one of our team members to discuss how our business text messaging service can benefit your business or organization.