Learn how to sign up and text-enable your business landline/VoIP phone number.
Texty Pro supports SMS text messaging for business phone numbers in: United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and more.
Continue Reading →The best phone number you should use to text with customers is your current landline or VoIP business number that your customers are already calling you on. Not only will you be increasing communication efficiency by using the same phone number to take calls and business text messages, you'll also reduce confusion from customers trying to figure out what number to call and what number to text you on. Texty Pro service supports U.S. and Canadian landline or VoIP numbers.
Continue Reading →A phone number that is text-enabled through Texty Pro can reach all major carriers in the United States and Canada.
Continue Reading →How to switch your business phone number from your current SMS text messaging service to Texty Pro in a few easy steps.
Continue Reading →Yes, the business text messages you receive on your landline number will not interfere with your phone line. You can send and receive text messages while your phone is in use as Texty Pro does not interfere with your calls or your current phone bill and our service is independent of your phone carrier.
Continue Reading →Yes, you can add SMS text messaging to your business landline phone number. It does not matter if the landline number is from a analog phone or a digital VoIP phone.
Continue Reading →Yes, all incoming SMS text messages are free on every Texty Pro subscription plans.
Continue Reading →Your phone line will not be affected at all. Texty Pro does not interfere with your calls or your current phone bill. Texty Pro is independent of your phone carrier; all you need is a computer or a smart phone with internet access.
Continue Reading →It’s certainly a possibility. Learn about OTP codes and how to text from landlines.
Continue Reading →You can send a text message to multiple recipients by entering multiple phone numbers separated by commas.
Continue Reading →Of course! With MMS messaging, you can send pictures, videos, PDFs and audio text messages. We also support emojis! 🙌
Continue Reading →Absolutely! Texty Pro enables landline texting, letting you use your existing landline or VoIP phone number in the U.S. and Canada for texting and calls. No additional phone number, hardware or services are required from your telephone company.
Continue Reading →No, it is highly discouraged to sign up using your cell phone number as your mobile service provider already provides text messaging service for your cell phone number. Texty Pro supports U.S. and Canada landline and VoIP phone numbers only.
Continue Reading →Yes, you can use your phone number associated with your VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system to send and receive text messages with.
Continue Reading →A Subscriber Letter of Authorization or a Subscriber Letter of Authorization for Third Party Message Routing Services is a legal document in the subscriber authorizes us to arrange for the use of the subscriber's telephone number to enable messaging services with us and third party providers as applicable.
Continue Reading →Our 14-day free trial comes with 100 SMS credits for you to test out our business text messaging service. Once you're used all the credits, you'll need to start your paid subscription to continue using our service.
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